Today in Presidential History: Macy’s Edition

November 27, 1924: The First Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.

In 2002, George W. Bush addressed the nation in videotaped remarks:

Good morning. As we gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, let us remember to share our blessings and make this holiday season a time for giving to those in need. By helping a neighbor, we serve our Nation, and we serve a cause greater than self-interest. Everyone can do something. And through the USA Freedom Corps, you can find ways to help at a school, a food pantry, or any other organization near you.

Macy’s and NBC join me in wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, and we ask you to make this holiday the start of a season of service.

Haven’t heard that much about the Freedom Corps since the tsunami, but apparently it’s still around. I wonder where it goes in the Obama White House?

One response to “Today in Presidential History: Macy’s Edition

  1. think they are trying to add a GreenCorps aspect to the freedom corps… though if you listen to paul broun this whole movement is the creation of a marxist state, so who knows.