FDIC Independence

The Park National shutdown occurred after several Illinois congressmen, including Reps. Bobby Rush and Danny Davis and Sen. Roland Burris, called the FDIC asking it to delay closing the bank for at least a week, said Marilyn Katz, a bank spokeswoman.


Rep. Tom Price (R., Ga.) told [FDIC Chairwoman] Ms. Bair he wasn’t “convinced that the FDIC isn’t contributing to the awful problems that we’re having” in his state, where 20 banks have failed in 2009. The banks “dot every ‘i’ and they cross every ‘t’ and then the knock comes on the door on Friday afternoon,” he told her.

HT CalculatedRisk.

One response to “FDIC Independence

  1. I don’t think the reform being considered by Congress goes far enough because I don’t think they (and we) know the extent to which bankers will go to get their way. On suspicious practices at amcore bank in IL, I recommend the following: