The Center for American Progress

An interesting discussion of the Center for American Progress in Joe Davidson’s Federal Diary column today:

Despite Soloway’s misgivings, the report takes on added significance because it comes from the Center for American Progress just weeks before Barack Obama becomes boss-in-chief. The center is run by Obama’s transition co-chairman, John D. Podesta. Melody C. Barnes, who will be director of Obama’s Domestic Policy Council, was an executive vice president at the center. Thomas A. Daschle, a distinguished senior fellow at the center and formerly the Senate’s Democratic leader, is the president-elect’s choice to run the Department of Health and Human Services.

Similar to the role the Heritage Foundation played during the Reagan administration, the Center for American Progress has emerged, as my colleague Michael A. Fletcher wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post, as “a Democratic government in waiting.”

Today’s discussion is about the Center’s report on the low pay received by many federal contractors.

Here are some of the Center’s commissioned reports.

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